Monday, May 31, 2010


Check out our SWEET keys/Paw Point cards/ Life-lines/ TIGER-CARDS! Thanks TigerCard Office!!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

And so 19 Super Hero's were Born...

It's 9:16 and we are just one hour away from beginning the summer of a life time. I can not wait to experience this amazing journey with these incredible people who call themselves LSU Ambassadors. I never would have thought coming through as an orientation student that one year later, I would be leading myself. This summer may be rough, but I have 18 incredible people to help get me through it! See you in Blake FOAPer's..... = )

To Infinity & beyond,


Sunday, May 23, 2010


Hey guys! SO I've created this blog for us all to update with things that happen to us during FOAP 2010! It will be especially cool if we can post videos, pictures, funny stories, feel free to post anything! I'm going to post the e-mail and password on our Facebook group so that way anyone can play with it! Feel free to write anything now, or wait til move in day! I've been reading blogs from my friends that are travelling this summer and I thought HEY! We need one of those that we can all play with!
Also, Taylor and I have been working on the set of some movies and tv shows, and one of the guys working on it said that LSU Orientation would make a really entertaining reality tv show, so that was another inspiration for this blog, since MTV hasn't contacted us yet! Ha. MAKE SURE TO KEEP EVERYTHING ORIENTATION APPROPRIATE! Also, be sure to not spill any secrets! So, go forth, and add to this!