Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Session 2

Since no one else has posted, I'll fill in a little bit.

This weekend was wonderful and amazing and restful, which was much needed after Session 1. Saturday night Kolby, Megan, Ellen, Taylor, Justin and I started got a little hyper-active and pulled mattresses downstairs, and had too much fun. There may or may not be a Jurassic Park-like video of Taylor and Kolby attacking people. So entertaining. Eventually we did settle down and watch a movie with a few others that joined us through-out the night. Sunday we had FOAP family day, in which some of our families came to Blake and we showed them what we had been up to for the past few weeks.
Monday came along and WHOA. Session 2. Right back at ya. So session 2 has been interesting. I definitely enjoyed my group a lot, and from my feedback I got, they really enjoyed me too, which makes me feel like I'm doing something right! Yay! Everything went really smoothly, and so I'm eager to see what we can improve even more. We have debriefing in a few minutes, so we will see how long this takes us. To the Iceberg Lounge!
Aye aye aye aye ayyyyeee AGRICULTURE!

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