Friday, June 4, 2010

Smores and pranks

Dear blog,
Today it rained. A lot. Really, like an entire Great Lake was emptied from the sky. No lies. But thankfully, it did stop long enough for us to practice a campus tour, no soggy orientation leaders here. We did however, drive in the rain to enjoy a team lunch at Counter Culture, which is one of my absolute favorite places, and we filled ourselves with sandwiches and Humphrey or two. YUM. We showed Campus Life office our "LSU Superheroes" activities, and it went really well! Holla to the Activities group (Amy, Kolby, Amanda, Sierra, Meg Wags!!). During dinner, Kolby, Sierra, Chi, and myself took an adventure to Wal-mart to be inspired in what we wanted to eat. So I'm drive, and unfortunately, saw the dreaded blue lights flash behind me. I've never been pulled over, so I was a little freaked out. When the cop asked me to get out of the car and talked to him for a few minutes, come to find out, the reason he had pulled me over was because he said my license plate was expired, which is totally not true, since I got that license plate....last week. All was good, and he let me go without a ticket after I explained to him I had just received the plate. So we continued on our journey to Wal-mart (which by the way, a few of us have gotten in this weird thing about using strange accents, most of which don't make much sense, but it is entertaining), and came back to Blake. But knowing the four of us, we just had to tell our story about being pulled over, and when I say tell our story, I mean make up a ridiculous elaborate story about how Kolby and Chi were handcuffed and Sierra was placed in the back of the police car. We went as far as slapping their wrists, and holding our eyes in front of the air conditioner to make us tear-up. So we came back, and told this insane story, and everyone believed us. SO great. So prank is on all of you guys. Love ya. But now there is a group of us sitting in the kitchen, perfecting our power-points and preparing for Mock-FOAPticials tomorrow, complete with smores and tea (courtesy of Ellen and her amazing stash of tea!). So wish us luck tomorrow, and hope that the sky doesn't fall out again on our way!
Good-night blog,

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